Aah!! I've killed my keyboard and am too afraid to try to fix it! This morning my desk and keyboard drank my Earl Grey tea. >=0 (I was putting on my jacket then accidentally elbowed the damn thing...) WAH, now my keyboard is incapable of typing 'a' or 'q' etc. And lucky me, I have my computer locked with a password and it includes like 5 a's. Sdkasjfgh! Well I could try to clean it out etc, but seriously... it's.. beyond.. bad. I pried off a couple of keys then ugh.. my god, it was like.. gunky dog hair and bits of who-knows-what all over under there.. CAN'T DO IT. I JUST CAN'T LOL. Hense, a spill proof flexable keyboard has been added to my xmas wishlist. Woop!
Took a quick look outside then noticed the pretty sunsetted sky and had an urge to photograph it :) Ahah went out to my balcony but it got really cold and pretty obvious that someone was getting high near by because the smell.. jesus so I went back in and took window shots, turned out interesting. Wooot.
Yeah, rebel topic damn right. Bahah, not. As much as I hate to talk about this typical teenager subject, I have two (three) things I really want from the category right now :]
Piercingwise: I have my first piercing done (back in September I got a helix for my 16th birthday) and I was planning on getting double lobes. But then I don't know why but it looked kind of wierd balancewise with one helix and everything else on bottom.. so I tried double helix and one lobe with fake piercings, it turned out I really. Really. Reeaally liked it.
Top helix is real, everything else is faake. I might get my lobes done soon but the doubl helix I probaply won't get till after my 17th birthday.
Tattoowise: After thinking over with butterflies and dragonflies and everything else that's got wings.. I came up with one symbol I made up aaha. What I wanted originally was a sillouhette of a tiny little butterfly, but then afterwards I figured out that foot tats hurt, and have to get it re-inked, which sounds pretty shitty for a solid filled in tat. So. Here's what I want..
I did that in pen, and I have no idea which one looks better, the one that's up-ways or side-ways.
How the heck do people do those! The ones that are completely pro and are using a normal mouse instead of touchpad.. holy JEEZE. I can NAT believe it. Anywho, I wanted to post stuff by me and friends for good times :] They're pretty old but oh well.
Me and Nikky's (no really.) name masterpiece. I love that one hehe!
I did that this morning, I'm going through a cartoon obsession phase. I actually graffiti-ed! Ahh no way.
Now the next one... I saved this for last so it doesn't look all the other ones look like crap bahah. It's by my best friend and holy damn she's skilled at these. Dunno if she used pad or mouse but either way it's my favorite one on graffiti! The .. eyess..
I'm currently sitting in front of the screen, wearing a cozy sweater and drinking chai tea out of a christmas mugcup with snowmen santa on them :3 The fireplace is on and my dad decided to take a day off so my family's all together for the daaay. Oh and I baked cookies yesterday! Goddamn, I feel Christmas creeping in so much I want it to be here right now!! I LOVE WINTER/CHRISTMAS!! (Wierd cause that's probaply the first time I've ever said that)
LOL Johnny Depp! That one, I'll have to give props. Natalie Reid fails without shades. Britney Spears drives me insane when she says "That me RITee". Angelina can pull it off as Jessica Alba too I think. Overall, holy crap, if I saw them walking down the street I would probaply go WOAH *take pic* hahah
Hey there, welcome to Ameiro Aozora ♥ I'm a girl from Canada; I am Japanese but I've been living here for nearly 9 years. I'm pretty much fluent in both languages so I post with both ! Ameiro Aozora is pretty much updated every day so feel free to come back anytime : D !
Me and my friend went to go see Role Models today. It was a nice humble hangout day :) I actually took some pictures at the bus stop while waiting, so let's go with that first..
Kitty Kat.
Haha reminds me of project mayhem/joker.
Ballin. Not.
Well that's about all the photos worth posting. Now, as for the movie. It was a typical but entertaining comedy. It's about two guys who screw their lives over and is forced to do community service, with something like The Big Brothers daycare or w/e. And ofcorese, they end up with the most hardest kids to handle. One being an insane devil, and the other an older kid who is a major nerd of somesort.
Couple of laughs, good to watch with friends, but honestly would not watch with parents kind of movie hahah. I don't understand how it's 14A instead of R in theatres.. (nude scene lol) Anywho. It's funny. (Not near great but I don't feel like being negative about a comedy, I mean cmon, so yeah hahah) Here's the trailer :)
Truth is, 50% of all of the animals that the botox is tested on should die of suffocation. Taking an act to stop all labs that use animal testing is besically imposible. At least at once it is. So I think this might be a better start. =) For more imformation, please visit: http://www.hsus.org/animals_in_research/animal_testing/the_beauty_myth_botox_kills_animals/
I've been watching alot of movies lately, due to me requesting DVDs at the library and all of them coming on the Hold Shelf all at once. This week so far I've watched.. Shaun of the Dead [Ha-ha comedy yay zombies!] Persepolis [I expected too much from it, but still I loved the animation.] 16 Blocks [Failed to amuse me.] Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End [Series always end terribly.] And finally, The Prestige. I just finished watching The Prestige, and I have to say I was expecting it to be like all the other movies I watched, but it was actually pretty good. A little twist on the ending. It's a bit hard to explain things when all you can think about is the ending so all I'm going to say is, though it's kind of a long film, it's actually worth watching. I recommend it with a rating of 8/10 :]
Every great magic trick consists of three parts or acts.
The first part is called "The Pledge". The magician shows you something ordinary: a deck of cards, a bird or a man. He shows you this object. Perhaps he asks you to inspect it to see if it is indeed real, unaltered, normal. But of course... it probably isn't.
The second act is called "The Turn". The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary. Now you're looking for the secret... but you won't find it, because of course you're not really looking. You don't really want to know. You want to be fooled. But you wouldn't clap yet. Because making something disappear isn't enough; you have to bring it back. That's why every magic trick has a third act, the hardest part,
Wow I'm actually desperately wanting a clothing item. This is rare because I always end up just saying "Oh, I don't need it THAT much." or simply "Meh.. too expensive..". This time it IS expensive BUT I WANT IT! It's a jacket and this is it:
Adidas Street Jacket. $109.99. Ahah, the things I end up targetting on clotheswise always happens to be Adidas.. I had this episode once with these shoes I saw in a magazine, it was an Adidas Superstar shoes with white and orange adidas logo and man I fell in love with it so badly that I went to the states just to get them. Not to mention they didn't have my size (6) so I had to buy one size bigger. Yes, HAD to. Anywho, the alternatives, if I'm not able to get that I'm somehow going to get my mom to get these for me:
I found a cute fortune teller thing! Though it just tells you 'what party animal' you are of the day. It changes everyday, and you can only take it wonce a day. Silly but it's cute! Hehe it made me go TEEHEEWTF.
LOL, my friend got a Playfull Puppy, but I keep getting random wierd ones like RICH ANT and STYLISH SHARK. Ahaha I'm not even an animal for the first one.
Firstofallwise: Happy birthday Jeffrey! Well, one of my best friend's best friend, and he doesn't live where we live so I don't really know him that quite well but eh w/e.
Nowhorrorwise: I must talk about this because it's just so so horrifying. I noticed Disney label is turning into semi playboy. What is going on with these innocent disney pop stars?! It's just ahh, jesus! I know all the rest like Britney Spears and whoever, but jeeze that started hella long time ago, her whorification I mean. But as for these people like... Hillary Duff, Vanessa Hudgens, and Miley Cyrus.. Cyrus being youngest and therefore most disturbing. Then comes Vanessa Hudgens, though she's 18, you just don't exactly take naked pictures of yourselves and send them to a friend or whatever, REALLY. Then theres Duff who's actually 21 but I can't believe it cause I'll forever see her as a 16 year old. But holy crap, Duff's new video or whatever is extremely. Extremely. Excruciatingly. Terrible. If you havn't seen it, here it is. Prepare to ... crush your childhood.