
Peek in sketchbook update

Drew a few. Some from looking at Elle magazine, and surprisingly 3 from my mind ahaha. It's rare! Anywho, yep not much to say, so here ya go.

Pwincess, Elle mag.

Lady from Elle

First profile ever that I did from mind. Debating either to paint it. Unfinished.

Moth-y butterfly. From Elle.

Roooxiee Hart! From sea's mind cartoonerized.

Velma Kelly from sea's mind, again, cartoonerized.

Kindergarten Celebration

They were doing an 20th year anniversary celebration at the kindergarden I went to and though I know no one that was in my class would go, I went anyways! Ahahaa I felt so misbelonged since it was just kindie kiddies and mommies and daddies. (And fyi, btw, I hate children.) So well I came home real tired in the brain but yes. It started off with performances of singing with the kindergarteners and awe, they sounded good. And that made me go awe, hey, they're kinda cute. But then afterwards when food came out, jesus, they all started screaming like insane and running everywhere and throwing shoes (one landed on food actually) and jeez my mind was fading away from the temptation to shut down ahaha. We played bingo 8] I wore my kitten heels. That's about it ahah. It's rainy so I don't wanna go out anymore for today =p

Take one,

Take two.


Ch ch ch chicago

And all that jazz! Watched Chicago the movie today. Entertained me more than I thought it would, actually. I don't usually like musicals but this got me into jazz and the choreography. Surprised by the actresses. Catherine Zetta-Jones the celebrity vixen jazz dancer/singer? God the only time I've seen her on screen is when she's a single person living alone in an apartment and that real common stuff. And Renee Zelwiger? Jesus, did she really act out Brigette Jones?! Queen Latifah is well, I've never exactly seen her on screen except for mascara ads. and Richard Gear, well he's just Richard Gear. anywho I rate this move 9/10. Entertaining, just maybe not as good plot somehow. My favorite number was The Cell Block Tango, and charactor Velma Kelly.

Cell Block Tango

Velma Kelly

Chicago (2002) Trailer



Got our moving shipped boxes yesterday and gah, it's a terrible mess. I still don't understand how we managed to take so much stuff! And also I like how what my mom calls 'vintage treasures' are really misbelonged in this apartment (really really, not vintagy.) and we have absolutely no idea what to do with them. Anywho, otherwise, my stuff is all good. Surprisingly nothing messed or anything.

My closet. Man, it's good to see my shoes.

And holy moly, my dvd collection stacked in my closet thing.


Various Stuff and So Forth

Rain comes tomorrow again. So does my 30 boxes full of packing stuff before I moved. Also some clothes from ordering. Maybe black hair dye coming on my head. Anywho, nevermind tomorrow, today was pretty nice. It wasn't sunny but it wasn't raining and that's good enough for me. But really, I did a bunch of nothing. Drawing, computering, taking photoing, messengering. All that junk. Nothing special, but here it is.

First of all, best chocolate in Canada I swear. Bernard Callebaut. Try it if you ever get the chance. Seriously.

Nahahah I like doing this okay.

Murky nailpolish.


Don't really like my mailbox but oh well.

HAHAHA. Creature in the house.

They growinz!

"Mud Bath" Hahaha.

So faar awaaaay.. *dramatic effect*

Soles of our feet.


Extreme Makeover.


Logo like.

Last of all.


Leggo my Eggo

Woaah we're past the 500 mark yay! Thankyou for visiting! A comment would be well appreciated? <=D

Found and Liked =)

Past Present Future

Could we ever admire the human race?

“A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space.
He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings,
as something separated from the rest
a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.
This delusion is a kind of prison for us,
restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us.
Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion
to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

-Albert Einstein


i.block, i.thinkitscute

Found something interesting today! Not sure if these are only sold in Japan but... ipod owners and leggo fans, you should have this even though it would probaply have a really bad sound. It's cute and small so, it's all good. iblock. =D

Not sure about it being on the ipod mini or video or whatever the white one is, but it looks really cute on the ipod touch! Ahaha, too bad I'm a Sansa user. I used to have a pink ipod mini ahaha! Hurrah for anyone who has an ipod mini! Anywho, I don't know where you can get this besides on the net. So hello Google.


Rainy day numero deux.

Hmm, another rainy day today. The sky rumbled a few times. I think it's stopped now though.. Wierd weather yucky weather. Again I really didn't do much today, besides being stuck in the house with my dogs. And draw. And some science and whatnot. Besides that, this explains pretty much all my main points of the day:

Drawing a funky shoe from Elle Magazine.

Taking a picture of sleepy Nonna *awee*

And one pissed off dog.

And it waiting for it's pray.

I got black hair dye! Nehehehe.

Yep yep. Hey blythe.

And last of all, screwing with Nonna's pictures =)

And due to extreme boredom and meaning to do this a while now; taking a video of Nonna going down the stairs. Man, she's like 60 year old human age and she goes up and down the stairs like a 5 year old! She's a kiddy one! Nahaha me and my mom laugh at how she makes this really loud noise as she goes down... fat wobbling.. Nahaha awe, yeah I love my Nonna lool. Sorry for the teeerrible quality!!!

Blah, I say.

Oh wow, so uhm, I confess there's absolutely nothing to blog today. It's been raining all day hard and me and my mom've been lying around in the house watching tv and all that lazy rain day indoor junk. Uhm.. so.. yeah. Might do something tomorrow so.. VISIT AGAIN. X)















If my dogs were human..

Nonna, and Bambi. =)

nonna's point is that she's a young acting 60 human age yr old, and she's really eye catching for other boy dogs apperently, and she has rather a 'glamourous' body.
Bambi's point, innocent yet looks like a imp that might kill someone one day. LOL.

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