
Kindergarten Celebration

They were doing an 20th year anniversary celebration at the kindergarden I went to and though I know no one that was in my class would go, I went anyways! Ahahaa I felt so misbelonged since it was just kindie kiddies and mommies and daddies. (And fyi, btw, I hate children.) So well I came home real tired in the brain but yes. It started off with performances of singing with the kindergarteners and awe, they sounded good. And that made me go awe, hey, they're kinda cute. But then afterwards when food came out, jesus, they all started screaming like insane and running everywhere and throwing shoes (one landed on food actually) and jeez my mind was fading away from the temptation to shut down ahaha. We played bingo 8] I wore my kitten heels. That's about it ahah. It's rainy so I don't wanna go out anymore for today =p

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