
Ch ch ch chicago

And all that jazz! Watched Chicago the movie today. Entertained me more than I thought it would, actually. I don't usually like musicals but this got me into jazz and the choreography. Surprised by the actresses. Catherine Zetta-Jones the celebrity vixen jazz dancer/singer? God the only time I've seen her on screen is when she's a single person living alone in an apartment and that real common stuff. And Renee Zelwiger? Jesus, did she really act out Brigette Jones?! Queen Latifah is well, I've never exactly seen her on screen except for mascara ads. and Richard Gear, well he's just Richard Gear. anywho I rate this move 9/10. Entertaining, just maybe not as good plot somehow. My favorite number was The Cell Block Tango, and charactor Velma Kelly.

Cell Block Tango

Velma Kelly

Chicago (2002) Trailer

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