
Various Stuff and So Forth

Rain comes tomorrow again. So does my 30 boxes full of packing stuff before I moved. Also some clothes from ordering. Maybe black hair dye coming on my head. Anywho, nevermind tomorrow, today was pretty nice. It wasn't sunny but it wasn't raining and that's good enough for me. But really, I did a bunch of nothing. Drawing, computering, taking photoing, messengering. All that junk. Nothing special, but here it is.

First of all, best chocolate in Canada I swear. Bernard Callebaut. Try it if you ever get the chance. Seriously.

Nahahah I like doing this okay.

Murky nailpolish.


Don't really like my mailbox but oh well.

HAHAHA. Creature in the house.

They growinz!

"Mud Bath" Hahaha.

So faar awaaaay.. *dramatic effect*

Soles of our feet.


Extreme Makeover.


Logo like.

Last of all.

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