

I'm craving one extremely badly right now! Especially this one on their website called London Fog Tea Latte Black tea with Italian Bergamot and lavender. Vanilla syrup.

I also wanna try Tazo Green Tea Latte. I've tried a green tea frap and liked it a while ago. :] Ahah, I always get a Chai Tea Latte so I kinda wanna bit of a change :P

Oh and also, I tried one of those Tazo Chai Tea Latte Concentrate at a friends house yesterday and .... !!!!!!!!!!!! It was probaply the best thing EVER to be had in-home!!! I MUST get some.

Lobe Piercings

Yaay I finally got them done :] The funny thing though, is it actually might've hurt as much as the helix if not more. Probaply because I have fat earlobes I think.. It hurts, but to the cope-able point so no biggie. They seem fine so far, and are perfectly centered so I'm pretty satisfied with it.



I went to Ardene to get it done, though my original plan was to go to Claire's because they had lots more info on their website. But turns out Student Cards or Care Cards isn't considered a valid identification there (which I actually find really really inconvinient because everywhere else seems to be completely cool with it) so we headed over to Ardene (ahah advantages of a mall) and they were totally fine with it. The lady was nice :] and 3, 2, 1! x2 and we're done. Pretty fast. Cost me only $22 too! But yeah, I think I do see the difference in where you pay $50 for professionals and yes, pros are much more better at it. But this one wasn't too bad. I was expecting worse because of the price and all but. I was being judgy, ahah sorry Ardene! Now lets just hope it doesn't randomly get infected... Three down, one more to go (Second helix... unless I start wanting a double on right lobe. Which I may hehe :P)


Monorail Cat


Wow I can't believe this transition. Left OC, right Elle France.
Micsha Burton, wooow.


Slow Motion

Lycra Magenta

Wow, this color's really... shimmery vibrant.
(pretty color if you suit it, unfortunately I do not lmao.)
Rimmel Lasting Finish Lycra Wear in 292 Magenta.

It really does last long though.
Cherry cherry vibrant hahah :]
I'd actually really recomment Lycra brand though
it's really good, easy-to-paintwise and long-lifewise lol :D


The Truman Show

This is one of my favorite Jim Carrey flicks. Though it's not really on the full out comedy side, I just love the story and the idea of it :] It's about a man, Truman Burbank, who is secretly being filmed his whole entire life from when he was born. His town is a set, all the people he knows are in on it as a cast. Every movement he makes is live on television.

My favorite shots out of the film are these ones: One, hehe cute! Two, seems somewhat artsy and conceptual.

Anywho, I love this movie, I'd rate it like 9/10 or 10/10, and definatly will recommend it to you! :D


Original Tote

I made something on my sewing machine for the very first time yesterday. (Well, I made a tiny little sack thing to put pennies in but that doesn't count hahah.) I used an old T shirt of mine. Well, I have to give alot of credit to my mom because she's the expert but yayay I'm very satisfied by the result :] Here's before and after.

That shirt, I got it from Uniqlo and loved it but because it wasn't supposed to be used in the dryer and by accidnt, it was, so it kinda shrunk and though it's actually not old, I couldn't wear it anymore :( SO! Boom goes my idea rocket.

Tadah! There's my tote semi 'eco' bag! (lol @ the sudden eco trend from the last half year.) YAY! I might print something on the back, maybe astro boy's head, because the back is just plain white.

The inline is blue/white stripe. Hehe, goes quite well I think. Hmmm I wonder what I should make next :]


ザ・ダイソーのカラーシリーズ ネイルエナメル





Celebrating 3000 visitor hits, I changed the template. It's sunny lately anyways so :) Happy almost Spring!

Here's something about me; I like Value Village shopping :) I know there are some people who are jsut like 'ew Thrift Stores' (especially in my area, I guess, because it's mostly populated with rather rich people.) BUT. I. Think. It's. Great. :D Like, shirts that are actually sold for $20, you can buy for $2-$4. In good condition too. We went yesterday and I got a couple of.. alot of, in my case, stuff. I. BOUGHT. CLOTHES. THAT. ACTUALLY. ARN'T. BLACK AND WHITE!!!

A big change! B/w to RED. Yay! Dunno the brand of this one.

I think Old Navy.

Old Navy.

LOL, appearently I really like Old Navy.

American Eagle.

Guess. You can't really see it but I really like this one :]

I also found me a Billabong wallet :D

I'm pretty sure it's supposed to look worn out like :] I like it.
So. about all that for somewhere around $20 or less. I'd say it's a good deal. :P

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Woops, I forgot one more!

Hahah, granny like but
this was actually brand new, like it had the tag and everything on it.
Just for some formal time.


In Emergency

Someone release Hammer plz!


ブルジョワ ミニネイル #30



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I wrote this entry in Japanese because I bought the nailpolish in Japan and have no idea is they have it elsewhere. The color is #30 (I don't know the name) from Bourjois Paris//Vernis A Ongles Nail Enamel. So pretty! The bottle is teeny but it's such a pretty color :)



Aaaaw, here's a cute movie that I actually enjoyed. Ratatouille is a unique story you probaply havn't heard of before, hense I liked it :) (In other words, yes, it's so goddamn random lmao.) Remy loves food. Remy can cook. Remy can sniff out ingredients from foods. Remy is a rat.

There's another charactor, Linguini, he's a young guy looking for a job, and starts workning at a famous resturant in Paris, but because he has no talent whatsoever in cooking, he works as a garbage boy. I wanted to know his 'past' because he was like "I've lost so many jobs, I just wanna stay out of trouble' ...CURIOUS. Lmao. WHAT happened.

All this left me wanting to go to Paris again. I've been there once. Mmmm food. I want some comembert cheese. Might go out and get some. STRONG CRAVE! Here's the trailer :)


Buddy Pals

Yay, making mini mascots are easy and fun :) I made two in the past few days, and here's some introductions :D Meet the stitched little buddy pals.


Monkey's been here for a while, I think I made him like a really long time ago.

I finished making Piggy yesterday. Hehe, she was fun.

Bunny, I made her in the past week too.

Can you guess who's who :)?

If competed among tails, I'd have to say bunny wins with her mini mini pom pom tail.

They say byebye.

Crayon Sketch

Something I've been wanting to do for a while but havn't had the time/effort to actually get to it, but I finally got to it a bit ago and surprisingly, finished quite quickly (well it's a slacky sketch/first time using a crayon since I was like 6 so lmao. Cut me some slack!)



過去もの ~画像編~




過去もの ~ビーズ編~







Message From Sea

I'll be posting in Japanese for a couple of days, but no worries, it'll be back. I've also planned out my new template :) I'm just waiting for it to get sunny because the template is sorta spring-y but the weather right now is.. so. So. Foggy. I'm not feelin it hahah. I'll just put a live weather camera pic of here.

So. So. Foggy. And cold. Gar I can't wait till spring. (Oh and it's really scary how on the mountains it's actually like 25 degrees. Wtf.) Anywho. English me me will be back in 3 days or so! :)


過去もの ~ネイル編~

Ameiro Aozoraの前にやってたブログに載せてたものタチ∑(・ω・*)
(前のブログ名はZombie Zoo・・・こっちも相変わらず変な名前 笑)

ドットだけには自信アリ 笑








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