
Lobe Piercings

Yaay I finally got them done :] The funny thing though, is it actually might've hurt as much as the helix if not more. Probaply because I have fat earlobes I think.. It hurts, but to the cope-able point so no biggie. They seem fine so far, and are perfectly centered so I'm pretty satisfied with it.



I went to Ardene to get it done, though my original plan was to go to Claire's because they had lots more info on their website. But turns out Student Cards or Care Cards isn't considered a valid identification there (which I actually find really really inconvinient because everywhere else seems to be completely cool with it) so we headed over to Ardene (ahah advantages of a mall) and they were totally fine with it. The lady was nice :] and 3, 2, 1! x2 and we're done. Pretty fast. Cost me only $22 too! But yeah, I think I do see the difference in where you pay $50 for professionals and yes, pros are much more better at it. But this one wasn't too bad. I was expecting worse because of the price and all but. I was being judgy, ahah sorry Ardene! Now lets just hope it doesn't randomly get infected... Three down, one more to go (Second helix... unless I start wanting a double on right lobe. Which I may hehe :P)

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