

Aaaaw, here's a cute movie that I actually enjoyed. Ratatouille is a unique story you probaply havn't heard of before, hense I liked it :) (In other words, yes, it's so goddamn random lmao.) Remy loves food. Remy can cook. Remy can sniff out ingredients from foods. Remy is a rat.

There's another charactor, Linguini, he's a young guy looking for a job, and starts workning at a famous resturant in Paris, but because he has no talent whatsoever in cooking, he works as a garbage boy. I wanted to know his 'past' because he was like "I've lost so many jobs, I just wanna stay out of trouble' ...CURIOUS. Lmao. WHAT happened.

All this left me wanting to go to Paris again. I've been there once. Mmmm food. I want some comembert cheese. Might go out and get some. STRONG CRAVE! Here's the trailer :)

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