
Original Tote

I made something on my sewing machine for the very first time yesterday. (Well, I made a tiny little sack thing to put pennies in but that doesn't count hahah.) I used an old T shirt of mine. Well, I have to give alot of credit to my mom because she's the expert but yayay I'm very satisfied by the result :] Here's before and after.

That shirt, I got it from Uniqlo and loved it but because it wasn't supposed to be used in the dryer and by accidnt, it was, so it kinda shrunk and though it's actually not old, I couldn't wear it anymore :( SO! Boom goes my idea rocket.

Tadah! There's my tote semi 'eco' bag! (lol @ the sudden eco trend from the last half year.) YAY! I might print something on the back, maybe astro boy's head, because the back is just plain white.

The inline is blue/white stripe. Hehe, goes quite well I think. Hmmm I wonder what I should make next :]

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