
Post Secrets

Been reading these every Sunday for a while now... Found one that's pretty good. =] Very short and sweet; the best ones.

Post Secret

Shine On

Hey man! You gotta understand, I got the world in my two hands! Hey man, never goin back, never goin back.

A band that I've loved for a long term and will always like; JET. Possibly the sexiest band out there (that suits sunglasses way too much!) Mellow but not too mellow, upbeat but not too upbeat. Definatly my type of hyper music =P GETS ME DANCINN!! Plus, some of their songs are fun to play on the guitar, they're not that hard =] Personally I don't exactly have a favorite member of the band, I just love the whole band, but I guess if I had to chose I'd say lead singer, Nic. (Chris?) He has a good voice. I love his singing in Sgt. Major. Mellowishly upbeat ;] Sadly they don't have a music video for that so...

Click for Sgt. Major Lyrics [;

Other songs I like are Holiday, Lazy Gun, Rip It Up, Roll Over DJ, Cold Hard Bitch, Get What You Need, Shine On, Come on Come on, Shiny Magazine, and Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. Check em out on youtube or they have some of those music videos on their website. LOVE EM LOVE EM LOVE EM! =D

Check out JET's officiall website for more!


No Reservations

Ah, Catherine Zeta Jones is so stunning. She's so perfect as a totally organized work-a-holic type of charactor in a film. Yes, this movie was one of those. [; "No Reservations" is a cute movie, the type you can just watch without too much to think about. Fresh! It made me really want to cook... Italian and fancy looking foods. Mmm. The story's about Kate, a chef at an Italian resturant, who's completely ... solid personalitied. She doesn't show much emotion at the beginning, and her life is all about work cook food. When her sister and their kid was on their way to Kate's for a visit, they get into a car accident, leaving Kate's sister's kid, Zoe, to live with Kate. Obviously she didn't know anything about children and how to handle them then. On top of that, while she was taking a break from her work, the owner of the resturant had hired another chef to her kitchen even though she knew Kate wasn't a pair-up sort of person. And starts Kate's stress jumble and many changes. Overall, it's pretty fun to watch. Otherwise, I wouldn't say it was one of the best movies. I would rate it somewhere around 6/10. Here's the trailor if you concidered watching it:

Zombie Zoo

I visited the Greater Vancouver Zoo yesterday, to be honest yes, there were animals, but none of them looked too ... lively. There were probaply less animals then any other zoo either way though. No giraffe, no elephants! =( Was dissapointed by that. Fsvorite; Arctic wolf or cy..something something that look like giant hamsters of some sort. I think the aquarium is better though. (well, seeing my favorite part is being grossed out by reptiles and insects ^^) But eh, I guess that place is pretty old, I'll just accept that fact and move on from the betrayal of the giraffe. Still, they should seriously update their website maybe.


Colors in my Life

I love decorating little things lately, to make them pretty! Especially colorful candies. People in the house appreciate it too so that's good =) My mom got tons of strawberries today. I guess strawberry season is here! I found a really cute heart shaped one, definatly photo material. And I went out with three of my buddehs. And like old times me being the only girl which obviously goes to some awkward moments. I'm way too used to it to care =_= Anywho enjoy today's pictures!


Heart shaped strawbery!

Vitamin Cs

Colorful Pop

Taking back pinky promises

Twilight spoof?

I made him in grade 8.


Everything will be okay?

I fear someday I'll just slip away..
..it's not like i havn't with everyone else.

truth is I've never wanted anything as bad. I need this.


This suits my blog


Hi, whoever that happened to stumble across here. Nothing more interesting than simple text blog stuff on this one. Well, i'm packing up a box or two (only my own. we're sending 20 in total) to ship to my new apartment in Japan. Concidering shipping takes a month, it should be there when we actually move at the end of May. It'll be kind of stressful without most of my stuff for a month but I'll probaply keep alot of stuff here too. Half half. This could get kind of confusing along the way. What am I gonna do with my amp?
Hmm, I hope my dad doesn't sell this place cause I've pretty much grown into it, and I really like my room and every furnature in it. Especially now that I've got my newly white painted walls. At the same time I'm really excited to make me a room in my new place. Whatever that has a window and a closet, I can live with. Oh and mirrors.
Sadly we won't be able to shop at Ikea in Japan... I mean, there is one but it's not close to where we'll live and they don't deliver. My mom's sticking with online stuff. Like this bed-chair, it's pretty cool, you can use it as a small bed and fold it up in the day time to make a chair. Cute colors too! =)
I think my life won't be as exciting over there. I mean I'll pretty much be lonely for a while. Maybe even babysit at my mom's friends. Wow, and I hate children! I'll get me an actual job or something.
Well, it's 11:30pm and I feel like reading then sleeping. Tomorrow, school's off (well my friends, not mine anymore) but not sure if I wanna do anything. Saturday me and Sab are going to the zoo. Ahahah unusual fun. Sunday I can just relax. So, well, that was a big ramble-on! Good night!

You & Your Computer :)


Your Computer
Desktop or laptop?
Mac or PC?
How many icons are on your desktop? Seven

What browser do you use? Internet Explorer
What email service do you use? Hotmail
Which messengers? MSN
What's your connection speed? Eggzelent.
What's your homepage? about;blank

What graphic/image editing programs do you have? Photoeditor and paint.
Do you have a digital camera or webcam? Digi-cam dude
A printer? Oui.
A scanner? Si.
Which program do you use for listenin to music? Windows media playaa
And for downloading music? Limewire

What's your favorite font/size/color? Times, teeny, grey?
How many people are on your buddylist? 60something.
Do you have a site of your own? Aloha!
Are you a member of any message boards or forums? Nope, I don't get forums.
Do you have an online journal? ALOHA, DAMNYOU!
Do you have a myspace or facebook? Facebook.
Are you a member of any graphic sites? (deviantart, humblevoice) Noees, too competitive-ish for ol' sea.




Main Trip

beep bop insanity mellow tecno electronica musical thing!!

It's apperently called a 'Tenori-On' (手乗り音); an electronic instrument designed by Toshi Iwai. I love the sound of it! And such pretty patterns! I really want to...touch one. LOL. SO COOL!




hahaha nastiest! Dead fish Rotten fish.

totally irrelevant but i had it on my camera.

Those are anchovies. I guess you eat them with rice or it's kind of like a beer snack. Except I didn't know till yesterday the very grotesque looking octopuses and shrimps and whatever the hell the other things are were mixed up in there! Bizzare! One of them had perfect 8 legs! aaah, I just find that really gross hahaha. Anywho gave me a good picture idea, as you can see, though. Hope you...liked them? got grossed out by them? Either way. Weeee you found the secret bit of this blog yay. Decided I would write this but not be too out there about it. Bahahah Sea's bizzare expiriences, today I smoked tea, no joke. It really isn't that bad. It's not that good either. Bahahah! Is it healthier than cigerettes??


..maybe in time, yu'll want to be mine..


Another Day At Sabrina's Household

I think I crash there way too much. Eh, oh well. We spend the day as lazy day due to extreme coldness outside. Gah the wind! The day was fun but pretty freakin pathetic! Hahaha yes, we obviously played Rock Band, and watched a movie. Out of any other movies; Spiderman3. It was my idea and my mom had it in the house from the library so it was an easy go. Plus we didn't wanna spend money on renting or the bus. Except what we realised afterwards is that THAT movie was a last resort thing, do NOT watch it when wanting interesting stuff. We pretended we were cats and popped gummies calling them...pimples... and technically missed half the movie and didn't give a crap. DONOTWATCH. I hate blahblahman movies damnit! The only one I wanna see is the joker one coming up. Dark Knight? Haha title sounds not that realistic but it looks pretty awesome. Can't wait. Anywho here are teh pictaaaas:



Ice Queen (king?)

Blinded in

Checkers on Chess

Checker Chess Reflection by sab

By sab


Drums messed around

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