
Another Day At Sabrina's Household

I think I crash there way too much. Eh, oh well. We spend the day as lazy day due to extreme coldness outside. Gah the wind! The day was fun but pretty freakin pathetic! Hahaha yes, we obviously played Rock Band, and watched a movie. Out of any other movies; Spiderman3. It was my idea and my mom had it in the house from the library so it was an easy go. Plus we didn't wanna spend money on renting or the bus. Except what we realised afterwards is that THAT movie was a last resort thing, do NOT watch it when wanting interesting stuff. We pretended we were cats and popped gummies calling them...pimples... and technically missed half the movie and didn't give a crap. DONOTWATCH. I hate blahblahman movies damnit! The only one I wanna see is the joker one coming up. Dark Knight? Haha title sounds not that realistic but it looks pretty awesome. Can't wait. Anywho here are teh pictaaaas:



Ice Queen (king?)

Blinded in

Checkers on Chess

Checker Chess Reflection by sab

By sab


Drums messed around

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