


hahaha nastiest! Dead fish Rotten fish.

totally irrelevant but i had it on my camera.

Those are anchovies. I guess you eat them with rice or it's kind of like a beer snack. Except I didn't know till yesterday the very grotesque looking octopuses and shrimps and whatever the hell the other things are were mixed up in there! Bizzare! One of them had perfect 8 legs! aaah, I just find that really gross hahaha. Anywho gave me a good picture idea, as you can see, though. Hope you...liked them? got grossed out by them? Either way. Weeee you found the secret bit of this blog yay. Decided I would write this but not be too out there about it. Bahahah Sea's bizzare expiriences, today I smoked tea, no joke. It really isn't that bad. It's not that good either. Bahahah! Is it healthier than cigerettes??

1 [comments]:

Anonymous said...

Two words:
Ew, Nasty.

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