I'm abandoning my blog till summer, or another break when I get bored.
Not One of My Friends Read These But It's All Good
Computer is lagging incredible amounts. I'm getting pretty frustrated with it.
Especially cause I don't know why and I tend to keep my computer with full of empty space and no junk on it.
Argh, damn you, damn you to coast of china, there and back with a baseball bat.
I wonder if theres one day people actually don't talk about hair.
At least once in a day at school someone mentions hair.
(I know I do, and I just noticed I've been babbling on about hair alot lately)
Holyshit everyone's dying their hair dark brown, where'd all the blondes go!! I can even say I miss them!
Currently I'm very sick of my lightening blue-green hair since it's getting way too 'vibrant' and it no longer suits me.
Oh and I got this dirty look from some random other person with green hair.
I didn't mean it to be green I swear! I was only going for the navy!
I think what I'll do is keep streaks of green and dye the rest black.
(since this whole dye your hair dark thing is flaming up lately)(oh and unnatural color thing too)
Spring is coming and I can feel it! C:
I just realised how much I love spring hehe it's quite refreshening. bah I can't spell that.
But then I also keep realising that's one step closer to exams and a harsh report card telling me to re-do this grade.
I'm fucked, I'm already supposed to be one grade up right now.
I got me a new sketchbook and now I'm going to start drawing Ariel (:
* +Jots
and sea creatures.
I miss my hermit crabs and turtles very much =C
Anyhoo, I'm also kind of obsessed with 'Disney Princesses' for some reason ahah
well not really obsessed but I really want to draw them.
man, i love disney!
Especially little mermaid (oh my.. the two put together.. disney and mermaid..)
Today is Sabrina's biiirthdaaay =D
skip around the room ,skip around the room, won't stop singin till you skip around the room!
I was gonna sing for her or dedicate a photo to her but my photo/singing motivation is gone gone gone
The idea came to me when I had my little lame modelling session baha
Mermaid-ish. Dead mermaid-ish.
dead fish.
rotten fish.
would you.
Lame day School day
my room feels like i should start hanging dead piggies for ham!
(yes peta, i've tried going veg, and it really didn't work)
but jeez its freezing!
glooobaaal waaarrmiiing /runs around in circle, puts self on fire
anyways, lots of homework and not feeling like doing them and feeling bad for Sabrina who pared up with me for a socials project which we just started and is due next class.
And so far I've only done 2 small teeny paragraphs.
I can't work in these conditions! (and theres no information in the damn text book)
ceeelebrate good times cmon do do do do do, do do do OoOoOo.
Sea might be going to take Japanese school soon =O
I'm fluent yes, but still I kinda wanna meet people and
keep up with japanese so i won't completely forget it.
(I plan to move to Japan when I'm older and work there anyways.
Plus I'm visiting there again this summer for a whole month so should start practicing!)
Apperently it's lame and you don't learn anything
and that the people there are pretty dorkio
but oh well, i'd give it a try. i might start next saturday
OH AND i Had a discovero momento today! D=
and made a vid out of it! its lame but i had fun so WHO CARES.
now how do i add vids on this thing..
oh there we go =D enjoy.
* +Jots
Self Introduction
I guess I should introduce myself detailed-ly since this is my first blog entry (: Alright, I'll start with a Hi my name is Seaori
I found a questionnaire for this so I'll let that do the job!
(yes now you have learnt that for one, I am lazy. And two, really like filling out questionnaires.)
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Indroduce-Yourself Question Survey
Nickname: I go by Sea (so..see-saw, seagull, seaoreo, etc)
How did you get your nickname: I dunno actually! I've had it since grade 4 or 5
Gender: Female
Birthday: 09.12
Zodiac sign: virgo the 'virgin' aha
Blood type: A positive
Location: Canada
Who lives with you: family
Family Members: parents, dogs
Interests: Photography, and making things (beads, scarfs, etc)
Talent: ..I can wiggle my ears?
Something to brag about: living right by starbucks (though I never go buy it there)
Favorite celeb: no one
Music: Led Zeppelin, Jet, Garbage.. mostly alternative or rock
Sports: snowboard
Movie: Man on Fire, 世界の中心で愛を叫ぶ
Book: Darren Shan
Comic: a few. most by Ai Yazawa
Personality you like: relaxed, easy to talk to, humorous at a clever point
Style of clothes: overly fancy or simply sweater+shirt+jeans combination
Do you karaoke: no but I want to!
Work: unemployed
Piercings: none, want ears, labret, navel
Stress reliever: rant