
Majorica Robotto

Happy September! Well, school starts for most people so not-so-happy september but oh well.

Second shot at home tee prints.
using the exact same stuff as I did last time, except this time I tried colors.
turns out that lighter colors print on well, but black is appearently not as well stickable.

ONE: Pennybotto!

I hope you remember him, or if you've never met him,
say hello to my pennybot!

Art project in grade eight. Yay clay.


iron on.

sew and wear. gonna patch that jean heart when i get more thread.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TWO: Majorica-


iron on.


2 [comments]:

Adria said...

Cool. How do you do that?? e-mail me how to!

SaoriJade said...

Well I can't find your email address, so I'm just gonna reply here and hope you look.

You just get some special paper at office/craft store that says something like "Original Tee shirt print paper" or something. They have that pretty much anywhere. And get some blank tees. I draw first to get the idea and all, and then when I'm done, I trace it on a blank sheet of paper with black pen, scan it, then edit it on the computer. After printing the thing out on the tee shirt print paper, all you gotta do is follow instructions on how to iron it on, which should be in there with the papers.

It's not store stuff quality but it's still pretty good. OH just remember IF you're gonna do it, that the picture's gonna go on the paper flipped so you'll have to flip the pic before when you're editting haahh. (I made that mistake with the robot...)

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