
Bored at Home

This is neat, if it were an actual camera.

Anywho that's not my main point. It'sss... School started for everyone yesterday. Therefore, I have absolutely nothing to do in the day besides stay in the house and do some school stuff. Lame shlame. Oh well, I plan to go to the school so I can meet up with my friends and have lunch with em every now and then. Walking counts as P.E too so why not. But... I'm.. So.. Bored..!! Gahh. Probaply lacking of meeting new people. Major downside of unschooling. Hmm maybe I should think of joining some dorkus club thing. I'll think about it. So. That's technically all for today. Bahah, yes this was completely pointless but I have nothing to dooo! So forgive me. Tata.

1 [comments]:

Adria said...

Haha! Same with me! But in the day I bake cookies, do some work, read/write, draw, and umm... blog!

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