
This and That

Since my last entry was boring and text-y, I decided I'll make this one picture-ful and exciting. BUT. Unfortunately I don't really have any exciting news so I'll just be coming up with the randomest things. Starting. Now. My cup is a ladykiller.

My best friend has the bear version of this.

Yes, that's a Mr. Peanut hat.

Mister panda is sneaky sneaky.

Poor mister penut. He looks.. very.. not mister peanutty without his amazing hat. Anywho. Next! My friend made me an adorable dedication picture in return for mine with the "You are the best" one. But her's is adowable!!

GSdfksjfbn she has such pretty eyes.

Also also also I might've already mentioned I love Lupain The III, especially Jigen. (Along with Murdoc from Gorillaz, George Clooney, Nakai Masahiro, Nagura Jun, Joan Jett, and the Joker.) I'll just put a picture of him here.

Droooool. Oh yeah and speaking of Joker, something else...

Lee did that, there's appearently a facebook aplication.

Oh oh oh schoolwise, did I mention I made my own student card? Okay so I probaply did but I doubt I put up the actual outline thingie here. Here it goes.

Yeah that's right. I got down with the mosaicing. Didn't want creepers on the name.

Actually, I already have the original picture of that thing up in somewhere so if you're really curious go find it. But it's not worth it. So. Yayahoo. I think my job is done here. TA TA READAZ. Hope you enjoyed my incredible picture filled entertaining exciting post.

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