
Birthday Get-together!

I had my birthday get-together (I don't like to call it a party hahah) at the beach yesterday, August 16th, 16th because I'm turning sixteen. Ha-ha, my friend came up with the date. Anyways, it was probaply one of the hottest days so it was pretty nice, no one wanted to come swim except one other person so that was kind of crappy but oh well! She's extreme fun nehehe. Oh hey and I got rad gifts. A pair of shades and headband from my dear Nikky, Yoshi figure and Jack Skellington plushie chain keyholder thingie from Alex, and this might be just the start of my figure obsessions. Then aroma sticks from Lee, which is ahaha, so Lee. Thanks for all! Ahh me vair happy. And my best friend is up to something, making her present and I just can't guess what it is so I'm pretty excited with that. We went on few dips. Volleyball(ish). Etc etc. The beach is so freaking pretty at sunset and night. I've never really been there at night. And we did some bonfire too. Roasted marshmallows. So goooood. I guess everything went pretty damn well. I had a great time!! THANK YOU FRIENDS FOR ALLL! (Oh and I have a few photos but I kind of got carried away and didn't take much or wasn't motivated to due to my stupid camera. Sooo, forgive me. Nikky has the rest.)

Nikky = Beach Girl.

My shades from Nikky! And me being a fat ass and eating pizza. Yum.

I did my nails just because.

Sparklies are fun.

1 [comments]:

Adria said...

Happy 16th B-day Sea!

I'm happy you had fun.

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