

Went on a photoshoot trip to the highschool basketball court and, results were pretty good. Though I was not in the best mood since I was pretty devestated over my Olympus camera which I broke without knowing, and I was extremely tired and thirsty. But anywho, I managed to use my SLR with effort. Man, those are really not meant to be used for fun simple pictures while hanging out. Anywho. Super sunny day btw. Model: 'J.J' Psht haha.

Yep, that went in.

Half n half.

Fences are a must.


Basketball really is a simple game.

Using the force while advetising the brand.

Nike. Just do it.

So.. bright.

I love how SLR works so well with sun.

Nike. Just do it II.


That's fun.

2 [comments]:

Adria said...

Wow, how'd u get the pic to move like that?

SaoriJade said...

Set on continuous shooting.

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