

Bambi loovvveeesss playing in the tub =3 I found a new fishy toy for Bambi the day I hung out with Nikky and gawd, he loved it so much lol. Unfortunately, he killed it in a day though :C

Can't really see the toy..

D'awe :3

And finale... LOL.

2 [comments]:

Animal_Freak said...

Hey Sea i wanted to say Bambi is sooooooooo cute...and what kind of toy does he have in the last pic.... thanks for putting so many pics on you blog...i love it,you are always interesting..
Morgan :) <3

SaoriJade said...

It's his ... unimpressed toy xD
This one hahah, not exactly sure what it is lol:

And thanks so much <3
Come again! 8)

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