
Viva La Vida Tour

The Coldplay concert was amazing!!!!!!!!!!! It was so much fun. They were able to make me scream with a strep throat rofl bahaah. And surprisingly, I have a really weird annoying sounding voice but my throat doesn't hurt or anything at all. So, the concert was at GM place, starting from 7:30pm ish. Seeing the only concerts I've been to were all held at the Orpheum Theatre, GM place was HUGE. HUGE HUGE HUGE. Our seats were on the 21 row, on the left side of the stage, and it honestly wasn't too bad at all! (Paid about $100 for each ticket.) And Snow Patrol did the opening for them. I knew two songs yay :] So much fun. Many many pictures too. Here's some!



Oof, I forgot what song this was..

Confetti blowing out from stage for Lovers In Japan. It was really pretty!

Snow Patrol.

Snow Patrol again.


I love lights :]

Sea of cellphones, mp3s, and lighters and whatnot.

Yellow. They threw out big yellow balloons :3


The band :] s backs lol.

Random pretty picture.

Chris Martin on piano.


Best Fwiends Fawevaww ;P


I had to do this!!! xD

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