
So Far In 2009

Bold what happened in 2009 so far:

- lost a friend
- stayed single almost the whole year
- made-out in a car
- kissed in the snow
- kissed in the rain
- fell in love [?]
- had your heart broken
- broke someone else's heart
- had a stalker
- questioned your sexual orientation
- came out of the closet
- got married
- had a divorce
- had a gay marriage
- dated someone you'll never forget [is currently]
- done something you've regretted
- lost your true love
- lost faith in love
- kissed under mistletoe
- shoplifted
- caught a shoplifter
[but didn't do anything about it ;P]
- been caught shoplifting
- got a promotion
- got a pay raise
- changed jobs
- lost your job
- quit your job
- applied for a job
- dated a co-worker
- dated your boss
- dated your boss' daughter/son
- got fired from your job
- did something you were proud of
- discovered a new talent
- were involved in something you'll never forget

- painted/airbrushed a picture
- wrote a poem
- ran a mile
- listened to music you couldn't stand
- double dipped
- skinny dipped
- went to a sleepover
- went camping
- threw a surprise party
- had a party thrown for you
- laughed till you cried
- laughed till you just about peed in your pants
- slept the whole day
- flirted with a boy/girl/boyfriend/girlfriend

- visited a different country
- cooked a disastrous meal
- lost something important to you
- got a gift you adore
- realized something new about yourself
- went on a diet
- tried to gain weight
- tripped over a coffee table
- dyed your hair

- came close to losing your life
- someone close to you died
- went to a party
- drank alcohol underage

- got arrested
- read a great book
- saw a great movie
- pretended to like someone

- saw a movie so scary that it made you cry
- saw one of your favorite band/artist live
- saw someone famous in person

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