
May First Purikura Ⅱ

Okay so my mom got kinda mad at me for the previous post with the purikura and how I was saying that I didn't want to put the other ones up because my mom looks at my blog. And she totally took it the wrong way and took it as an offence SO FINE. I'LL PUT THEM UP so she gets it :P Eh, they're not that gushy anyways. (Kinda.) こーゆー意味じゃい。=____=;;

Happy birthday ♥

Okay slightly gushy but cute. Ahahah.

ww hahah so much hearts. =3

So well yeah. I'll have fun with mommy's reactiona later hahah. (SHE'S GOING TO GRIN AT ME AND ASK ME STUFF, I SWEAR. RAWR.) *SIGH* anyways. Ahah there was like two more but.. yeah. Ahahahahah. /I'd rather keep them private xD LOL online PDA. ODA? Online display of affection?? loooool.

2 [comments]:

.{a}...❤ said...

wAo,they're so cute! :3
and lol. good luck with u and ur mom! ^-^

--- said...

Aww These are soo cute :D
The first one is supper adorable!

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