
May First Purikura

Oh yeah, I got the purikuras from May 1 when I hung out with Scott for his birthday =3 Yayy, they're SO cute, and most of them turned out awesome heheh. I'll post some of them. (Because my mom creeps lmao.. and it's wierd soo. Hi mom. Stop creepin. xP) Oh and it was awesome cause I was wearing a solid green polka dot shirt and the machine replaced green or w/e so my shirt match every one of the pics x]

Yay friends =3 My shirt's blue here..

This one was goood. Shirt's light greeeen.

G pic haha, I'm blue AND I'm transparent!! =D

I really like this one =] Heheh awee. Shirt = pink.

Sorry yeah, there's like loads more but.. well, it's not THAT bad hahah but lovey dovey ones will pretty much mean for me to be asking my mom to bug me so bwahahha. I'll pass on that xD I'll probably get used to it though, eventually. Ahah we'll see x]

3 [comments]:

.{a}...❤ said...

ooh. nice! :3
i did the sticker photo thing..
but they were just given to me in stickers.
how did you get them? and be able to put on computer?

SaoriJade said...

Yeaah, these were stickers too
Scanners come in handy :]
I love it cause scanning them turns them into like a really large image too =D

.{a}...❤ said...

oooh... scanning. OK thanks! ^-^ i'm gonna do that now >u<

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