
LG Dare

I got my new phone today!! Me and my fam went to Telus and my mom and I switched from Virgin Mobile and Rogers to Telus. So I got a brand new phone as well, and ah, I can't stop drooling over it's sexiness. He's the LG Dare VX9700!! And he is so far flawless!!

The touchscreen is amazing. I can't get over the difference with going from Samsung A460 to LG Dare... it's intense!! But yes, I'm currently in love with it. And I will be, for like three years :] Now what should I do with my crappy A460...

What mine currently looks like :] SEXY TIEM xD

2 [comments]:

Jacksam4eva said...

Does it really works well? I wanted to get a phone with a touchscreen but I was so scared it might breack and stuff that I took another one :s

SaoriJade said...

Yeaah, if you're not careful with it I guess it'll be pretty easily breakable ><
But I always keep my phone at one place (pocket lol)
and I've only dropped my old phone like twice or three times in three years so

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