
Karaoke Date

I went on a karaoke date with Scotty today :] Well, originally I don't think we were gonna but then we met up pretty early (10:00am-ish) and had absolutely nothing to do so we went to sing hehe. It was my first time going to karaoke actually!! It was pretty awesome, the place was $15 per hour (cheap!!) and I got 100 on 2 songs :] And they were pretty high pitched so wow ahah I'm surprised. ("Hana Wa Sakura Kimi Wa Utsukushii" by Ikimonogakari and "Endless Story" by REIRA ft. Yuna Ito form the movie Nana xD) Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures ;_; Well, one picture I have is...

XD Bwaheheheh. After karaoke we went swimming/hot tub Hehe it was fun. It was an awesome day! (Especially cause I Scott's been really busy with his new job. He literally only has Sundays off pretty much.) Seaoreo is in a good mood this weekend :]

2 [comments]:

.{a}...❤ said...

yAy! karaoke! ^*^ luv it!

Scott Kira Hamilton said...

Goddamn it, Sea, I knew you were gunna post that picture. XDDD

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