
Girl Crap

Heh, that sounds ironic (titlewise) LOL. Anyways, here comes Sea's I-have-nothing-to-blog-about-so-I'll-just-post-more-about-fashion-post. I'm so sorry >_<;; So first of all. I did my nails red/heart? YAY? <=D

Yeaah okay, I agree. Lame. Ahahah. Fine here's a bit something better for you to look at :P I REALLY want a kimono or yukata, and I was looking online and I came across one that I MUST have eventually. I need this EXACT one!!

Eet's just too perfect!!! I LOVE it. I NEED IT >:0 Something else I need and plan on attaching to one of my hoodies.. bunny ears! =3 This one'll happen in the near future.

Double Sea! :P Puppydog/intellegent mahah.

3 [comments]:

Scott Kira Hamilton said...


.{a}...❤ said...

OMG i know that girl with bunny ears! she amazing!
cute nails! >u< did sumthin similiar once ^-^
and ooh. cool as kimono! i want to try one one day~

Louise said...

its tricia gosingtian in that bunny hoodie! ♥

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