
The Song Remains The Same

Even though I'm no where near 'long' fan of Led Zeppelin (seeing people really do know them for like 40 years) I really. Really. Oh my god, really love them. Watching this film made me go obsessively addicted yet again. Gdkfsjghkdjgh!! (lol I sound childish) It probaply made my.. year. Bahah I don't understand why I hadn't seen it before and oh man. It was freaking amazing.

The film's a recording of a concert at Madison Square Garden, NY, in 1973, with wicked edits (...yeah, it's pretty much a watch-it-while-you're-high film.. ahah surprise surprise *sarcasm*) and fantasy scenes for each member. My favorite was Page's. Page Bonzo Plant and Jones are indeed amazing x29846.. Yep, I'm going to be quite obsessed for a while ahah.

Ddkgbabababaa...My two (impossible but how great it would be..) wishes: to be living teenagehood in the 60/70's. And for the world to be 2D lmao. anywho, here's the trailer!

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