
P.S I Love You

I had to semi rant about this. Haha you can already tell this is gonna be a negative review. So well, I watched this movie probaply expecting too much out of it because in the end all it did was dissapoint me. I realy don't have much to say about this film except straight forwardly, nothing more than a waste of time. I watched this alone (I have this thing where when I watch movies alone I always find it good or alright at least. I'll get more emotional etc.) and I didn't laugh once, or cry at all. I didn't find it good, not even a little bit. The idea is great, and if it was better it would've actually been amazing. But meh. This is.. meh. I can't tell if it's supposed to be Romantic Comedy or Romantic Drama or w/e. But whatever it is, one of the worst films I've seen lol. Sorry! I'll just put up a picture just to make this up to the film fan? lol.

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