

Here's something me and my friend's been doing, what will entertain anyone for a long period of time. Kokology sounds funny. But they're those things where they ask you a random question then afterwards it shows you what the question really means and also what your answers meant. Here's an interesting one my friend gave me, and actually really worked for us.

    Imagine three women, each of whom is fond of the color red and uses it to accentuate her appearance. The first of these women has her nails painted red, the second wears red lipstick, and the third has her hair colored the same shade.

    Now imagine their personalities and describe in detail. Ready? Go!

I said...
Red nails: Has a bubbly personality who is very friendly, has a good reputation, and is simply charming. Those type of people you either hate or love, and in-between is not an option.
Red lips: Acts mature enough, but probaply tries hard to be. Slightly rebellious yet she's far too insecure to act towards much. Attractive, but just hard to get along with.
Red hair: Someone who only cares about her closest friends, unaware of the world, etc. Rather self-centered.

Now when you're finished with your answers, highlight the below.

Female respondents.
The woman with red nails is seen as a threat and represents the type of woman you can’t ever imagine yourself getting along with. On the other hand, you feel a strange and compelling attraction to the woman with red lips. The woman with red hair is an image of the type of woman that you hope you will never become.

Male respondents.
The red-nailed woman is the kind of person you fear will use or make a fool of you, while the red-lipped woman is the type you can imagine yourself falling wildly in love with. The redheaded woman represents the type you can’t see yourself being attracted to, no matter how physically beautiful she may be.

It worked out SO well for me. So extremely true. These things really explain about a person when they're really accurate... Here's tons more at http://community.livejournal.com/kokology/ if you want more btw.

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