
Flower Power

In beads. Like I said, I'm posting a few pictures of stuff I made during these past few days of being back into making beads accesories. Most of them are kinda tacky but some of them are actually worth making. Tadaaaah:

Kinda really liking this one.

the chain part was SO frustring to make cause I kept running out of thread
and it kept breaking and ugh, it took forever to finish it.

Huge flower. The flowers, I made the pattern up by myself.

I'm trying to make a bracelet.

Blue flower.

I made this a while ago but I just felt like taking a pic of it.

Oh also! I think I'm really inspired by dancing. And by dancing I mean breakdancing and moonwalking. Ahaha, not. Joking. I'm really interested in those fancy shmancy dances like the Waltz, Tango, what ever you dance to with Jazz, and all that ballroom dances. They're hypnotiquely classy! I'd really like to try it just for the fun of it sometime. Without being so strict cause one thing I know about ballroom dancing is the complicated rules about exact positions according to millimeters and ugh, that would be a nightmare. Anywho. It look like it's gonna raaain tonight.

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