
About your blog/journal survey

Blogging basics.
What's the URL of your blog? http://www.ameiroaozora.blogspot.com
What's the title? Ameiro Aozora
Do you like to blog? Sir, yes sir.
How long have you been blogging?? Like half an year sort of.

Blogging habbets.
Do you have more than one blog?? No what's the point of that..?
Do you update often? Try to everyday.
Do you post every survey/quiz you take? No not here.
What do you mostly write about? Photobloggings.

The community!
If you use a livejournal based service, do you belong to any communities? N/A
Ever get comments from people you don't know? I don't know most.
Do you belong to other blogging associated sites, like this one? Uhh, no..?
Have you made a lot of friends from your blog? Nope.

Your page.
Change your layout/template often? Rarely.
Own your own domain name? Nope.
Does your blog have a lot of stuff on it, like a tagboard? Nah.
Do you track your stats on a regular basis? Nope.
Do you know advanced HTML? Define advanced. I know most.
Do you have links to your favorite websites? Yep yep, go to links!
Link to friends/blogs you read? Yeah, it's in there.
What's the URL of your favorite blog,(one that you read often)? I don't. Post Secret?
Do you password protect your blog? Nope.

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