

Hey fellas have you heard the news! You know that Sea is back in town! I've arrived to Canada safely in one piece (weaked out small piece because I didnt touch my food at all on the plane) yesterday around 10 in the morning. The flight took about 7 hours and 55 minutes which really is pretty damn good. I got a little sick at the end ish due to no food and terrible air. And lack of sleep I guess. I stayed in the house first day, slept at 7pm, and here I am at 5:30am being all "oh hey good morning, I've been up since 2:30am." Surprisingly at the airport, the immigration was probaply the easiest thing ever. Surprisingly. Aywho. I'm stauing at my dad's place here. I miss my dogs and le mother vair much already =[ Hmm.. havn't planned what to do today. Probaply just stay around the house/walk around town just because or something. Currently watching Lupin the third (). DO NOT DISTURB. Lol, I'll write again later. CYA.





Thursday Fursday Slursday

Okay so the title has absolutely nothing to do with this post besides the fact it's Thursday. Quite a few to say today though it's only 12:46pm ahah. Lets see. I got new and theo nly good pair of skinny jeans. Yaay, now I can wear them with heels.

We received the webcam we bought a few days ago. Woo! My first one ever. I never understood these things but it's fun haha. The one I got here is really cheap and really quite ugly but oh well. As long as it works.

Cooked pesto spaghetti for lunch. Yom yom yom! Those things come in so handy for pasta and soup. I posted one up of the same thing before. Ahaha I'm still learning how to make the spaghetti curl.

Doggy bath tims is always funtime. Funny how Bambi doesn't hate the bath thaaat much. My mom ordered this wierd shampoo for dogs that apperently make the furs like plushie toys. Ahaha that's gonna be fun.

Just finished Memoirs of a Geisha by whatever golden. I don't remember his name and the book is upstairs.. But at the second last chapter i had a huge urge to draw Sayuri and the chairman. So I started working at like midnight last night, did outlines etc. Then today i finished it up. Yay!


Doll Face

Something that never fails me to put me in deep thoughts.



Yay! We finally got a car. Gino. The small box square type of model is really popular here in Japan and this is not that bad. It's rather circular. Hehe cute. It's pretty comfy.

Crayon Arts


Faire L'affaire

Why are hair stylists so often all prettied and stylish and great looking! Well, I guess that's kind of the point. Anywho, I got my haircut today at a place called Faire L'affaire. It's a newly opened salon in the neighourhood. The people who work there are really young so they know what kids like. Except too bad I wanted a boyish shaggy but Japan's only popular with flowy girly sort of thing. Oh well. I still like it. Lots of difference and my god is my head lighter. One job done. More to go!



Added 'Sketchbook' to categories.

Drew a few. Lame few. Extreme Gorillaz effect. I'm buying a Tshirt from the G store. Holy crap why is it so obsessing damnit!! Anywho.

If Noodle had a trendy sister.

Drawing trablahblah-ated.

That would be my friend that I drew. Fail.

Wow, 10 days until Canada. I've got alot to do this week. Packing, getting stuff for people, getting stuff for what I need, my mom bought a car last week and it's arriving monday or tuesday, haircut, jeeeez. I need shades. Like these pereferably.

Stealth Cat

Yogurt Art

Haha, okay so not so art. But I accidently spilled the yogurt this morning and it happened to be pretty cool even though it was by accident.

Not meaning to go fantasy dork on you but I see two soul like things circling around eachother. DO YOU! It's the yogurt souls I tell you.




Heavy skin

Eick, I've never worn so much make up in my life. I swear, while getting ready to take these pictures I covered over all pores with a large amount of foundation, killed my eyelashes due to wearing mascara even though I was wearing fake eyelashes. Holy crap, I for some reason have alot less eyelashes now on my right eye. Eeeek.

Hlaf n half.


When my bangs grow I want this hair. Sea is devoted and hate the fact that we have to care about hair. Aaaaargh! I don't know what cut I'm actually getting next week when I get it cut.


I just have to post this for the hell of it. If you havn't heard it, HOW! If you've been addicted to it, well now you're gonna get it stuck in your head. Do the D.A.N.C.E! 1 2 3 4 FIGHT!





Yayay self photoshoot! I found my old elementary grad dress and yay it looks fairy/pixie-ish. My mom made it. And I can actually brag about that neheh. Okay, maybe not I partially take that back. Anywho. Fun fun fun. Hot hot hot. And I mean litarally. 30 degrees here...

Pixie Dare


I haate mosquitos! Mosquito season is brutal. So far I've gotten bitten 6 or 7 times. And it was one of those itchiness-wont-go-away-till-a-week-later ones. Oh and one's on my EAR LOBE. glaaaaaah!!

Well, speaking of earlobes, this Summer I might like to get my ears pierced. I don't have any at the moment and I know I don't suit lobe piercing but I think if i wear none-dangly ones it's all good. Tiny hoop and studs. Also I've been wanting a ... so what exactly do you call it. Cartilage? Helix? Upper? Pinna? When I look up parts of the ear, I get Helix or Rim. Anywho. I have to be 16 without parents permission sooo... cmmon Septemberrr!!!


Scotch Tape Art

Wow. This is freakishly amazing. I don't get how people do it but wow. It's appearently all in scotch tape. I guess they had a huge balloon or something inside. But wow. It's amazing.

Stages of life in Liquid

Creative true.


3D Graffiti; ストリートアート

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