
Wow, the fourth entry today

Sorry to keep posting so much, it's just the overwhelming feeling of having internet, I swear! (DORK!) X] So today.. I practiced riding a bike, yaay! LOL, I feel like a grade schooler. I havn't ridden a bike since grade 6 okay! Haha but riding it made me want to roller blade and scooter LOL. Anywho, fun fun funtime. It was sunny so it felt great. Then I gardened/started my harb garden thing. Uhm. What was it called. Something.. about leaves lol.. yeah. Will photo when it comes out =] Well, I dont think I'll update anymore today so, TATA!

Rose called "Vienna" /DROOLZ


poof face

it be rose



Eight Trees Garden

my dog watching out for paparazzis LOL

bahaha old people bike we have


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