
Oh Hi!

Currently listening to The Denial Twist - The White Stripes. Wanting tea pretty bad! Feeling slightly sick..

Bwaahahahahh, Noodle inspired. Wow I suck =P It was like two in the morning and I was main bored okay. ahah and this way I didn't have to put any makeup on. Dude dude dude I've seen the best Noodle/2D costume shiet on Deviant Art. ZE best! =O

1 [comments]:

Anonymous said...


ahah such a n old..thing.. i. read this page every now and then so. you might get aaan odd commeeent

idk how much you check this thing, tomorrrrrrrowwwwww HANGOUT?

we can playrock band + ddr... or go to townnnnnnnn etc

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