
The Shutter

Just watched The Shutter. (2004 original) It's a Thai horror film basically about "Spirit Photography" 【心霊写真】and man, it was freaky! I had to read the caption since it's in Thai and I normally hate that but I have to say, I loved it. Five stars! It wasn't overly scary but enough to creep me out, it has a really good story, ending was the best holy crap. (But no no, I shall nawt spoil it!) It was funny sometimes haha I appreciate a tad bit of humor in movies so woot! But it was lovely.. sad lovely storryyy. To my surprise you can watch it on Youtube! Movies on youtube?! It's a miracle! Here's the list if you wanna watch it;

The Shutter 【鬼影】
[part1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [Credits12]

i wanna learn thai! Obviously I'm not capable of learning 3 languages but still! If I ever do, seriously, I'd wanna live there. LOVE IT THERE! One of the best places I've ever travelled to. Food is really good too!

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