Yellow is happiness....
What person makes you happiest? Nikky
Is there a song that just always cheers you up no matter what? one of smaps happy songs bahah
Any food or drink that gets you in a cheery mood? i love eggs or cheese
You are happiest when you... I'm sleeping
Are there any images or designs or colours that make you happy? Ohh interesting colors!
Do people generally see you as a happy person? Dunno
Are you really a happy person? Not really
Orange is for anger....
What could someone say to you that would totally piss you off? Anything "asian" that's way over-used
When you're mad at no one in particular, what do you do? Rant about everything
When you ARE mad at someone, what do you do to them? Probaply rant about them with someone else
Do you find yourself angry much of the time? No, not lately, no
Is there anyone in your life whom you just HATE? People I can't stand yes, but no not hate
What usually causes your fights with your friends? Them not understanding, me being selfish
Red is for passion....
What is your passion? Photography
Do you have very strong opinions? Uhm not really
What current problem in the world are you most concerned about? Animal abuse
Do you like to do artistic things, like write, draw, sing, etc.? Yessir
Do you ever let people other than close friends hear you sing? Nope
Are you protective of your friends and loved ones? Sort of
What is something you absolutely love to do? Have a lazy day at home w/ baths
Pink is for love.....
Do you believe in true love? Yes
Do you think long-distance relationships work? No
Are you currently in a relationship? Nope
Do you hope to get married someday? Yeah hopefully
If yes, do you sometimes fantasize about your wedding? Not detailedly haha
What is your sexual orientation? Bisexual
Do you support gay marriage? Not really, i'm not against it either
When dating, do you prefer your partner to be more sexy or cute? Sexy
Purple is for inner strength.....
Where do you feel most peaceful? My room
What is the one thing that can always calm you down? Quiet music and surveys
Do you ever feel like you are not in control of your emotions? Nah
Are you a pushover? Dunno
Can you admit that you have faults in your personality? Yes
Do you have any kind of mental/emotional disorder(s)? Apperently A.D.D
Blue is for sadness.....
Do you feel sad when someone you don't know dies? Yeah
Do you feel like we need to remember the Holocaust? Ofcorce
What makes you most sad? Lots of shit..
Do you feel lonely often? Sorta
Worried or anxious? Often, sorta
White is for imagination......
Do you daydream? Rarely
Are you very creative? Not very but a tad
Do you like fantasy and horror movies more than real-life based ones? Horrors yeye
Who is your fave artist? Led Zeppelin
Your favorite animated movie? Mimi wo sumaseba
Do you love to draw? Yessir
If yes, what do you draw most of? Random crap with pencil
Black is for fear.....
What is the scariest movie you've ever seen? Most disgusting was chainsaw massacure
Do you like scary video games? No
What are some of your fears? Heights, percelin dolls
Do you believe in ghosts? Yeah
Vampires? No.
Werewolves? ..No.
Zombies? ...No.
Aliens? Not really
Do you have any fears of the future? Not really
Are you scared of the dark? When it's pitch black yeah
Do you like scary stories? Yesss but I get really creeped out
Do you still dress up on Halloween? No
Ranbow Emotions
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