Sabrina and I found something interesting the other time a while ago. You know for valentines there's chocolates and heart candies and love dovey plushies on the isles at a store. Then you look more closer and you find "Edible Paint for Him and Her: Get creative and write on eachother" or "Sensual Oil" or whatever. Well this one I've never heard of.."Candy Underwear. For Him and Her"Yeah, what. I guess it wouldn't be as shocking if they were in some sorta hidden isle or in a sex shop. Guess where we discovered it? SHOPPERS DRUG MART. We were like WTH?! I guess people actually bought them cause there was only one box left.. Oh god I don't wanna know who did, I live in a tiny town and 50% chance I'll know them bahaha. But seriously, if I saw someone lining up in the isle with that box, i'd probaply never look at them the same LOL. Plus wouldn't it get sticky and..............uhm....yeah so...yeah.
They got creative, but I think I'll stick with my candy necklaces. ^^;
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