
Online Shopping

is fun. =) Though most of the time I just looked at the clothes and be all "I like that! I want it!" but not getting it anyways in the end. Oh well still fun lookin! Where do I usually order from:



    Paris Kids


and other random Rakuten or Geocities online shops. =) Haha and yes I'm one of those people who's week for the word 'Sale' or 'Clearence' Eek! Anywho today was one of those days where I just randomly surfed from shoes.. to normal clothing.. dresses.. halloween costumes.. under garnments.. and wierd ass contact lenses. In that order too hah. K shoes I'll never buy online due to sizes and stuff. Clothing I found:

First one I won't suit but found it really really pretsay =) Cute. and therefore I won't suit it LOL. Second one, HOTDAMN! I LIKE! I friggin love dress shirts + ties!!! AHH I want it but I can't have it WAH. The pants are funkeh too. K next...I think that was in halloween costumes. Hell I'd wear that anyday. Uhm undergarnments. I for one have never ever heard of...C strings. G strings sure I heard of, T back string yeah but...C string wtf. So...I'm not exactly going to post a picture of it here but I'll let you google it for yourself it you're curious. It. is. fucked. up. Probaply really really uncomfortable and I have no idea who in the world would wear that shit. K I'll just post a pic of the product..

uhm. yeah. How it goes on, you can search for yourself. D= now uh. contact lenses. THEY ARE FREAKIN AWESOME. Dude they look so fucked. If I saw someone wearing one of those messed up EXTREMELY artificial contacts it would probaply scare the crap out of me. If they stared at me in the eye with those stuff I'd pee my pants, no joke. But I would so wear them on halloween =D Wicked!

...yeah I'm about to pee my pants if i stare at this for too long.
but HEY if anyone was dressing up as 2D, these are friggin perfect!
(yes i obsess. i obsess hard and quick, stfu)

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