
Martian Child

Finally watched it! Mmmmm... well yeah since I'm not one of those massive review writers.. it was cute, buuuut not that good really. I expected it to be a complete tear jerker but I didn't cry once (and I'm a sucker for those) and everything was pretty much predictable. But aaaw it was really cute. So uhm. Definatly not for entertainment cause if you rated that movie with that it would main fail haha. Otherwise, it's not a horrible movie. =P

One more thing...WHY does John Cusack always play a caractor who is single (mostly because 'his lover died in the past') and a writer? Well I've only seen two movies he's in but.. 1408. He's a writer who doesn't sell much and I remember him being single or someone dying or something. (Oh btw I wouldn't even concider that horror it's just mind fucking) Must Love Dogs, he may not have been a writer but he was single. WTH.

Anywho. Martian Child, right. Haha don't you hate it when the movie trailers make the movie look so good when it really isn't as good. I swear if you saw this trailer you are gonna wanna see it soooo bad =P

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