
Future Panic

Warning* this is going to be a pictureless boring text only entry that bearly anyone is going to read lol.

Alright so I've been thinking about the future realistically lately, and I know I've been saying I want to be a photographer for my future career. I really do hope in that still, but honestly, I really have passion in it. Just that it's so much passion for it I really don't want to use it as some competing material. Or depend on it for the money it will bring. It's one of my only times I can truly be in peace and happy, and I'm afraid for it to turn into greed eventually if I'm going down that road. Hahah, my dream is to photograph my future family, and have tons of albums, capturing every important or not moments. That ambition, I will probaply always carry with me. But for now, I think I should really start looking for other options because I really don't have much If photography isn't one of them.
I've also wanted to be a translater, but unfortunately it that depends more on education than common sense.. I suppose I could go to a school and gain that knowledge but right now I'm in a terrible education state so I'm not sure. Hm. That's pretty much it for now. I'm going to researc on this for a couple of days.

K, I can't stand imageless posts. They're too lame. :P

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