
Rebelious stuff; Piercings and Tattoos

Well, they're not really but it just gives a big impression of them being pretty rebelious when high schoolers do it. I'm currently un-stabbed with any needle (minus medical related stuff I mean.) and been thinking about getting at least a piercing or two since elementary. But never really got around to it. Since I'm turning sixteen technically next week, I'm pretty certain I'll want my lobes done soon. But what I've been wanting is a Pinna. Or Helix. Or whtever name you might pick out of a million different words for the same thing.

The upper one.

In the future I'm hoping to get that and perhaphs double on both lobe. But wow, that would be five piercings which is concidered alot for me hahah. We'll see. I know a good place, called Next! Which to be honest I have never actually been in but tons of reccomandations to go there through friends. I like their age limit policy statement on piercings and tattoos.

    "We figure that if you're old enough to pilot 1500 pounds of metal down a public highway at 50 miles per hour then you're old enough to decide if you want a 1.4 gram of it in your own body.

    Tattoos received at age 16 will teach you something by the time you're 30; either that you made a stupid mistake or that you had a pretty good idea of who you were already."

Oh and the age is sixteen by the way. Yep, and I'm turning sixteen next week. (Though to be honest I don't see much difference in ages 15-17. 18 things become different. Ahh I can't wait!) Oh and as for a tattoo, yes, I would be incredibly stupid to get one at this age so I'm planing to get a small one when I move out or something. When I'm around twenty maybe. I've been wanting it since elementary (which is kind of pathetic but still. I was devoted. Still am.) Well, in elementary I used to draw this little pitch black butterfly on my foot. And I've been wanting to get it done perminantly some day in the future. Maybe not a butterfly, but something small and simple with just lines and no fill in. Wings, I'm looking for. But we'll see. Appearently foot tattoos are incredibly painful and fades too. Re-inking would suck.

Idea of it. (except i wasnt it more.. less.)
Why are stars so popular for it anwyays??

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