
Mother Landage!

Me momma's home from Japan! Well, actually, me and mom moved to Japan in March this year and I came back to Canada for my summer vacation in August but then my mom decided that it was better that we lived here (Japan is actually pretty limited on stuff and whatnot) soo now she's coming here. If that's understandable. Anywho. First curiosity. What happened to the house, the car, the bike, the fridge, the television, the beds, and the phone? (Well my mom's bringing back THE awesome cellphone, which is pretty awesome even though we can't use it! LOL.) Hmmm. Oh well.

She brought me back shirts and what not for my birthday etc etc! They're from a store called Uniqlo, which actually has pretty awesome tee shirt designs etc etc. Lookie :D!

Maid ladeh! Ahah, sorry, bad angle.

Do ya see it! Hint: pshhh! It'saSpray!

Dorkus :)

You can't see it on the picture above so.. this is the design.

Also! I got this shirt from Ebay, and it just arrived. It's brand new, probs fake because they don't have it at the official G store. But I really wanted it. So tada!

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