
Stop Botox Testing on Animals!

You're invited to a Facebook Group! My friend made a group a while ago called "Stop botox testing on animals!" Here's The link: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.php?gid=23400135252&ref=nf you should take a look at this:

Truth is, 50% of all of the animals that the botox is tested on should die of suffocation. Taking an act to stop all labs that use animal testing is besically imposible. At least at once it is. So I think this might be a better start. =) For more imformation, please visit:

If you care for animals, please join the face book group
"Stop botox testing on animals!"
and invite others to spread the word.
Thank you (=

1 [comments]:

Adria said...

I joined! Thanks for posting about this. :)

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