

I've been hanging out with Nikky and Riley for the most part this week. Went shopping downtown with them, Alex, and her sister.. (didn't really buy anything) saw District 9.. was going to see Amytiville but I don't think that's happening. Anywho, mobile uploads!

Bahah you models.

The retard and the creepr x)

Sabrina is home now! :'D She came to my house two nights ago right when she got back (lmao at like 11:00pm) and I was so happy x) We hung out yesterday too, and also met up with Kaidy and Courtney.

She suits my shades the best.

Maybe in a diff color? She wants yellow.

And today I'll be going over to Lee's and gonna work on something (surprise surprise.) and maybe hang out with Rob but probably not. We'll see! I shall take moar pict0rz.

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