
Blogger Survey

I wasn't tagged but this was a neat survey so I decided to steal it :D (From Ugly Is In)


Here are the rules of the tag

1.Once you are tagged, post a picture of where you blog.
2.Feel free to tell us a little about your space, or explain certain items in more detail. Or not.
3.Link back to original post.
4.Tag five other bloggers to show their blogspots.

When it's actually clean. It seems alright here but the desk mat is actually a poster, flipped back, and taped onto the desk. Underneath = scratched and stabbed mess. Seriously xD

I tag: AnnaCleo, @dria Cherelle, Rainify, and Scott
(though last one doesn't even blog anymore ;_;)


Answer these questions:

*What are you wearing right now?
Invaders shirt and blue jammie pants.

* What's the last thing you read/are currently reading?
I started reading Choke but I'm never in a reading mood during Summer so I gave up.

* Do you nap a lot?
Extremely rarely.

* Who was the last person you hugged?

* What's your current obsession/addiction?
Facial skin care.

* What's for dinner?
It's only 10am!

* What was the last thing you bought?
Can't remember..

* What are you listening to right now?
Snow And Lights - Explosions In The Sky

* If you could have any super power, what would it be?
To control time.

* What is your favorite weather, and why?
Cloudiness with some sun.

* What time do you usually get up?
9am or later.

* What is your most challenging goal right now?
Doing something productive.

* Say something to the person who tagged you:
I stole this, no tags.

* If you could have a house- totally paid for, fully furnished- anywhere in the world?
Japan, maybe.

* Favorite vacation spot?
I loved Malaysia/Singapore.

* What is your favorite item of clothing?
Probably my shirts.

* Favorite pair of shoes you keep going back to over and over, even though your closet is overflowing with a zillion others?
Airwalk kicks xD

* Name one thing you cannot live without:

*What time is bed time?

* If you could wake up anywhere tomorrow morning, where would it be?
In a cozy bed.

7 [comments]:

Animal_Freak said...

Hey I might do a quiz Ty for reminding me about them ...


SaoriJade said...

Oh np xD
I'm ADDICTED to those quizzes :]

Jacksam4eva said...

haha that was fun... I should do something like this sometime... Just don't exactly know hwho to tag lol

S said...

ずいぶん ハイクオリティーなブログだね!!

さおりとちょくちょく写ってるのが親友? すごい仲良さそうなんだね。


SaoriJade said...

thejacksam4evachronics 》 You should :D I just tagged some random people I'm following lololol. If you find a different one, make sure you tag me! :]

翔t 》 コメありがとう!♥”
多分そうですー、サブリーナって言う子だよ (・ω・*)

.{a}...❤ said...

ooh yay! ^_^ i wnted to do this when i saw it on others' blogs ^*^

do we do the other questions as well?

SaoriJade said...

Yes yes, the random questions too :D

● ― Blog Archive。