
What Number Are You?

This is actually pretty accurate O.O I got it off Sabrina's Nexopia, and she always has good Blogthings quizzes =] But yeah this is a good one. "What Number Are You?"

You Are 6: The Loyalist

You have strong relationships and are intensely loyal.
People find you easy to love and care for.

You like your world to be stable and secure, no surprises.
You're cautious. You prefer your inner circle to the outside world.

At Your Best: You are courageous, a positive thinker, and expressive. You can take on the world.

At Your Worst: You are secretly insecure - which makes you sarcastic, cold, and argumentative.

Your Fixation: Doubt

Your Primary Fear: Abandonment

Your Primary Desire: Security and support

Other Number 6's: Mel Gibson, Woody Allen, Jay Leno, Marilyn Monroe, and Julia Roberts.

2 [comments]:

Jacksam4eva said...

Hey I've just discovered your blog and I kinda like it! Just done the quizz though, they said I'm number 8, the challenger lol. That is pretty accurate lol!

SaoriJade said...

Hey, thanks for visiting!!
Checked out your blog too, I'm following now :]

And yeah, that quiz is pretty accurate!
It's so far worked for everyone I know =D

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