
Strep Throat

Yup, the reason I haven't updated in the past few days. I've been hit by the torturous strep throat. I'm currently on antibiotics (second day I think) and it's already starting to get better, thank god. It was HORRIBLE at first, I had a fever of 38.8c and I literally couldn't get off my bed for a whole day. And my throat. Oh my god my throat. It still hurts, it's hard to talk but much better compared to about two days ago. It should be a few more days till that starts to go away as well.

Aah, throat pain. Throb throb.

Anywho, I'm pretty much back now though :D Yaay. Now all I'm doing is hoping I get BETTER better by Sunday, because I'M SUPPOSED TO GO TO THE COLDPLAY CONCERT. Ddskjfhosijhlsdkfj I REALLY do hope I can go... DX

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