

I had a girl's day with Nicoline today, and got pedicures done at Spa Time :D They took my pedicure virginity bwahah. It was really nice. Weird, because I'm not used to people touching my feet, and the zen-ness of it all xD but it was still really naaice. Nikky had $40 coupons. But man that's super spendy for greedy little Sea. Plus she treated me for Starbucks. That was a really good day, thanks so much lovey!! ILU.

Thumbs up!

My toez :3 Yay pink.

Double turban wat x]


Yay feets lolol.

Oh yeah, I can post this now ;P Prezzie for Nikky

1 [comments]:

theautomann@msn.com said...

Why leave your ETERNAL destiny up to chance in this FINITE existence? Trust Jesus, not yourself. God bless you.

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