
Girls Day Out

Had a girls day out today with Nicoline, Sabrina, and me. We just hung out in town for a bit, I was really lazy/tired so I was kind of out of it for the first half of the day but it was still fun ;3 Sabrina had an exam this morning too so she was pretty tired as well. Anyways, then I went to Nikky's house and got super addicted to Super Smash Bros. Brawl on her Wii. So. Addicting. Bwahahahah. I hadn't seen Nikky in a while too now, so it was really awesome. Dunno how I lived like a month without seeing her!

Dawwe we so kyoot.

Sexy cat.

My girls :]

Intimate hahahah.


Meow I'm a cat.


Yay me.

Nicoline is such a babe. I'm her pimp.

Lol nikky mid action.


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