
Fallen Princesses

"These works place Fairy Tale characters in modern day scenarios. In all of the images the Princess is placed in an environment that articulates her conflict. The '...happily ever after' is replaced with a realistic outcome and addresses current issues." - Dina Goldstein

I'm not sure what this one is? Sleeping beauty?

Belle from Beauty and The Beast

Snow White

Little Red Riding Hood



Personal favorite. Jasmine from Aladdin. I'm tempted to draw her :P

2 [comments]:

rainify` said...

... Um, wow. Belle kinda freaks the SHIT outta me. Where do you FIND these things. XD

Sea said...

YESS, I hate the Belle one ;_; lol
my friend posted it up on her blog ish thing (nexopia lol) and i stole em >:]
It's brilliant though huh! :D

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